Lorn Richards, Match Director



Minute of Angle "Moa" is a high power discipline. The match will be held on the back range. Participants will engage 3, 4, and 5 inch targets at 300, 400, and 500 yards, with 5 shots at each distance for a total of 15 rounds per match.  No magnums are allowed. Ammunition is limited to 2800 fps.  There will be 3 matches per year. High power rules will be followed. There will be an entry fee of $5 per match.


There will be 3 competition classes: Sharpshooter, Expert, and Master. All new shooters, as per high power rules, will shoot Master class. Sharpshooter and Expert classes will be determined by the average of the competitor’s previous year’s scores.


There will be two categories in each class: Bolt Action and AR [The AR category includes the M1A style or any main semi-auto battle rifle.] Participants may shoot both match categories [AR and Bolt Action] by paying an additional $5 entry fee.


There will be a winner in both the AR and the Bolt Action categories in each of the 3 competition classes, for a total of six 1st place winners, at each match. The overall winner for the year will be the competitor with the highest 2 score total.